#2.1 Whale Tax

We’re making some healthy implementations to support the stability of the ecosystem, and alpha coins in general.

As you know, we’re implementing new things rapidly in order to provide the most awesome utility in the space. Last week we didn’t have a WL marketplace and an NFT Raffle, now we do! We’re building fast, and we’re proud of that.

Alpha Coins are still more than 800% up from the launch, but the crypto market is volatile and we had a major run-up in the first weeks. That’s why we’re focused on changes that provide stability, both in good and bad times.

Claiming tax improvements

We’re doing two important things: There is a 24-hour claim tax, which is basically a tax based on the amount of Alpha Coins that you claim. If there is more selling pressure, bigger sellers will contribute more of the amount that they claim and want to sell to the ecosystem.

We’re burning 80% of the Alpha Coins, and adding 20% to the liquidity pool.

Hypothetically speaking, a bigger seller could claim a smaller amount of Alpha Coins each day. This is fine, since the main idea is that when there is more selling pressure, sellers tend to claim their coins and thus sell bigger orders. That’s when the ecosystem benefits, since the selling pressure will be lower, and 100% is used to benefit the stability of Alpha Coins.

Smaller sellers will barely feel it since the claimed tax is low.

New Claim tax

Claiming 0-50 AKC per day: 1%

Tax from 51-100 AKC per day: 2%

Tax from 101-200 AKC per day: 3%

Tax from 201-500 AKC per day: 4%

Tax from 501-1000 AKC per day: 6%

Tax from 1001-2000 AKC per day: 8%

Tax from 2001-3000 AKC per day: 10%

Tax from 3001-4000 AKC per day: 12%

Tax from 4001-5000 AKC per day: 14%

Tax from +5001 AKC per day: 16%

The current claim tax

The current claim tax is lower, it’s still a constant that’s based on your earnings, but we lowered it to compensate for the new claim tax implementation.

5-9 alpha coins per day: 0.1%

10-19 alpha coins per day: 0.5%

20-39 alpha coins per day: 1%

40-59 alpha coins per day: 1.5%

60-79 alpha coins per day: 2%

80-99 alpha coins per day: 2.5%

100-199 alpha coins per day: 3%

200 - 500 alpha coins per day: 4%

+500 alpha coins per day: 5%

Every day, we keep working hard to make this one of the most awesome projects in the space. Don’t forget that we’re building together and that any tips and suggestions are always welcome. We move as one!

Last updated